The past weeks have been shitty. So many things on my mind. Including, family stress, which has taken a huge toll on me. However, I try not to feel sorry for myself because they say self pity is bad for the soul. I don't usually open my feelings or discuss my problems to anyone. I'm definitely not going to initiate that on my blog. Ever since I was little, I usually bottle my emotions up. Nevertheless, sometimes it's good to have great friends who you can confide in. Especially over a few drinks. Whenever I drink I get emotional. I get caught up in the moment and sometimes I feel like crying. You can only take so much pain in your life. Nonetheless, I realized no family is perfect and just like in that Amanda Marshall song, "everybody got a story that can break your heart." Anyways, on the brightside, I was on the train today on my way downtown to do some errands and a guy got on who slightly resembled STEVE-O from Jackass got on my train. Not bad looking but I looked like shit. Well, not the best outfit and I had no makeup on. Well, this guy sat next to me on the train and he didn't say anything for a while. I saw him smile at the kid diagonally across from us. I asked him for the time and he politely read it to me on his watch and I replied, Thanks and he said no problem, have a good day. Than, a bunch of other kids got on and he was just giggling at them. I thought to myself, perhaps he likes kids, which is so cute. After a few minutes he turned to me and asked if I had any kids. I laughed and told him, no, but I was gonna ask you the same question. Or, if you had siblings. He had neither but thought children were interesting. I said, "kids are crazy". From than, we started a full out conversation on the train. This stranger, I mean Jimmy was definitely an interesting character. I didn't want to get off train because he was making me laugh and was very intriguing. I could tell he was trying to search for a pen because he knew I was going to get off soon. I didn't bother to give him my pen in my bag or take down his number. However, as I got off he said, don't worry we'll cross paths again". When I got off I just thought, weird. Last weekend my cousins came over and we watched that Ashley Simpson movie, Undiscovered. Hey, I didn't want to watch it, the little kids did. And, I got the movie from a customer who gave me free bootlegged dvds. Anyways, in the beginning of the movie, this girl meets a cute guy on the train and thinks she will never meet him again, but fate brought them together. When I saw that I was like pfffffffft like that will ever happen in reality. I'm not saying I'll ever meet this guy again, however, it's nice to see a guy talk to girl instead of talking up a girl. Oh, where are the nice guys?