March 8th 2007 was NATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY and Canadian music week! Ryerson University and the Urban hip-hop commitee organized an open mic night featuring an all female line-up. The night was hosted by radio personality from formerly on Flow 93.5 morning show and Poet Jemeni. The night was filled with female M.C's, poetry, spoken word, rapping, singing and ranting about how stupid boys are. I sang the song Killing Me Softly by Fugees and a preview of a song I wrote called, Never Fell In Love. Although, I had previosuly performed at an open mic night, this was different because I had to impress Jem, the school and my friends. Performing in university is different from high school because in high school a lot of people knew me. In university, there are a lot of critics. I thought the night was going to go bad because I had lost a beautiful earing, (yes I know I promoised I wouldn't lose anything but within a month I had lost 3 pairs of earings, my scarf and my signature playboy bunny hat :( ) my digital batteries were dead and my video camera battery was lost in my bag somewhere, which I did not know at the time I was rushing to get up on the platform. Nevertheless, I felt like I pulled it off great. I dedicated my performance to my grandma because she has fallen ill and she is one strong woman. Nonetheless, after I sang, I felt so liberated and empowered to be the only brown girl singing that night. I am so glad Ryerson and the urban hip-hop commitee gave me the opportunity to showcase my talent. GIRL POWAH!
I officially hate the Ryersonian!
On Tuesday March 27th 2007, I called the Ryersonian because they were present at the open mic and said we were going to be featured in their paper.....weeks later I anticipated to see our night captured in the paper or online.........however we were no where to be seen or any other story about empowering females. I ranted to the stupid editor over the phone and I seriously don't know how this guy was chosen to be the uniersity's editor. He had no answers for my questions. Instead, he told me to email the editor. I was liek whos the editor? He was like, I am.
Wow! What's the difference? Is this valid? So, I continued to make my time useful at my placement by writing the email.
Dear Josh Visser (editor of Ryersonian),
I spoke to you over the phone and I am writing this letter because I am extremely upset and hurt that the Ryersonian did not publish an important article that affects the female students at Ryerson University. On March 8th, 2007 was National Women's Day. National Women’s day is a significant day for the lives of all women across the globe, especially the diverse women who study or work at Ryerson University. The Urban Hip-Hop committee and radio personality and black entertainer/poet Jemeni hosted an open mic event. This event featured all Ryerson student females in the line-up. Myself and other ethnic students performed by singing songs and performing spoken word and poetry. The performers had courage to get up in front of many students’ to show their appreciation for all women. The Ryersonian was at this event and they took pictures and said it was going to be covered in the newspaper. However, they did not post this empowering event in the newspaper or online. I am furious because when I saw what stories you published on National Women’s day, I saw ridiculous stories in the school newspaper on National Women's Day such as, a girl’s addiction to shopping, a White supremacist story, dating advice and a cheerleader who travelled to an All-STAR basketball event. I do not care whether you have to limit yourself to certain stories, the stories you published does not make an impact in society or the lives of ethnic female students. You are wasting our tuition money and killing trees by printing rubbish. Moreover, I do not want an email back with a dim-witted apology. I want action to be taken and I want you to publish this event in your newspaper. The Ryersonian is supposed to represent the whole student body. I feel your paper to be very sexist and racist. If further action is not taken, students, professors as well as myself will take action against your newspaper.