The 2006 Much Music Video Awards took place on Sunday June 18th and yours truly had the opportunity to hit the biggest partay in Toronto! It was my first MMVAS coverage and boy did I love it! Love it! Love it!! The stars were in jam-packed party mode knowing that Much provided them with a variety of enticing food, appetizers, ice creams alluring gift bags and so much more.... and the best part all you can drink booooooze. Speaking of gift bags, the guests all got some pricy goodies but when I saw that Vanessa Milano got a gift bag I was like wtf? Who are you and what are you famous for? She’s an MTV VJ and E.T reporter and for those of you not in the loop she’s Nick Lachey’s rebound! Give me a gift bag damnit! There were several lounge lizards. Everybody was getting crunk! Guests included, Keven Zegers from TransAmerica and AIRBUD...God I loved that dog. Raptor Mo Pete, Fall Out Boy, Sky Sweetnam,Ray Robinson, Jdiggz, Melanie Durrant so cute and tiny, Alicia Cutbert, Mr. X, Jellestone, Performers included, Rihanna, City and Colour, Hedley, Metric, Yellowcard Nelly Fertado and Timbaland, Nick Lachey, Simple Plan who controlled their craziness. I guess their slowly realizing that their not 15 and perhaps shouldn't whine so much about teenage issues on their next album. Hedley’s Jacob was giving me a tour, showing me around along with the tempting food that was offered. He is such a ladies man. The ladies were gorgeous and rocked the fashion scene. Dresses were the big hit of the night. They were all beautiful. Don't get me wrong. The fellas were up to date with their trends as well. The men looked sexy in their suit attire. My boy Masari and Manny looked damn good in their apparel. Masari said he has the gift I gave him in his room. AWWW. Amy Lee from Evanescense looked beautiful and she is so down to earth and polite. They have a new album coming out soon and she said she just wrapped up a new video for it. She didn't want to give details on what the video is about but she said it’s good. Her manager, however, looked coked out and all over the place with her sunglasses but she was nice. I love Rick the Temp! He is so nice and he remembers me from doing MuchTakeOver. I'm guessing he's forgiven me for making fun of him twice on the show. I was so upset when one of the security boys told me I just missed Howie D from the Backstreet Boys. BSB's 4 eva! Theory of Deadman attended as well. Newlywed front man Tyler Connolly brought his beautiful wife and they are so cute together. I was so ecstatic when I interviewed fellow Canadian Jay Manual from my favorite and every other girls favorite show America's Next Top Model. He said he just finished shooting the next cycle and he said it’s really good and it's gonna have more cattiness. He said one of the girls even got into a fight with him. OH NO SHE DIDN'T. The beautiful Tricia Helfar from our very own Canada’s Next Top Model posed for a picture with me and she looked so radiant. Some newspaper took a picture of us together, however, I forgot to ask the reporter who she worked for. The big winner of the night was Kardinal Offishal who he says didn't even get invited last year and when he won an award they didn't even air it. However, Kardy walked away 3 awards on Sunday. He always keeps it real and shows that he doesn't forget his roots. I told him to "keep reppin ' Scarborough and Johnny's Burgers. For those of you who live in Scarlem and have never had Johnny's Burgers located on V.P and Shepp you ain't a true Scarborougnian. Kardinal shot one of his videos there as well. Even Scarlem native Mike Myers reaches Johnnys. Kardinal also gave respects to MALVERN! It's good that he is making a difference in our society especially for the Black community. He is influential and is a positive energy in times of gun violence. Another guest who was there was Paris Hilton. Paris Hilton doesn't want people to judge her music by her last name. She says that she's been singing for a long time. Ever since she was a little princess. She also confirms that she is single and that it feels weird because she has never been single in her life. I guess STRAVOS NACHOS is out of the picture. She also plans to start a tour with her album Screwed. No comment. Nevertheless, Paris showed not to be snobby when she posed for a picture with me. I couldn't say the same for Amanda fukin' Bynes. I loved that girl. I thought she was so funny and a good actress. I loved the Amanda Show, All That and What I like About You,. However, when she rushed out without taking a picture with me that made me really upset. Amanda, that's is what I don't like about you, byotch. Another rude mofo was K-OS. I really like K-0S and his album joyful rebellion is incredible. Nonetheless, when I asked for a picture, he said "no more pictures. I'm done with pictures for the night." I asked him if he didn't want to support visible minorities and Ryerson students and he had no comment. K-OS don't you forget that without your fans and the media your nobody Mr. Your shit will still be underground and don't act like you don't like the attention you've received. This was short lived interview was far worse than his acceptance speech at last years awards, where he had no one to thank. With a character like that, you're going no where but downhill. Another ridiculous character was Jessi Metcalf from Passions, to desperate Housewives. He is so short. I tried to get an interview with him but he just brushed past me. I asked him about his new movie and all he said was “John Tucker Must Die.” Well duhhhh. I obviously know the name of it, you midget! That boy seems to always have a new chick in his arms. VJ search judge Tracy, I told her I loved her on the Sabrina the Teenage Witch episode. Robyn Black is a cool cat. I told him to watch out for Michele Peter VJ search 2008 and he was like, she better watch out for me. The Canadian Idol judges were there too. I asked Zach if he remembered our talk over coffee at Second Cup and he said yes, and I remember when I slept with you last night too. EEEESH. VJ Search finalist, Big Norm reppin' Scarlem to the fullest. Frank Nwankwo
whom I think is cute and with whom I had a discussion in French, flawless Nicky Ma who told me Jessica Alba wore the same dress she was wearing for the night, second place Shawn Gehon and winner Tim Deagon, Dallas Green told me his goal is to make refreshing music and not the kind that is familiar. I rapped Mishy Pee for some rapper up and coming Canadian rapper and he spit a rhyme for me. Tori Spelling, DONNA, was sweet, I told her my ring tone was Beverly Hills 90210. Her new husband is sweet and good looking. Nonetheless, he might have been uncomfortable because his ex-wife was in the same room as him. She's Canadian and used to host a cooking show with some short dude. She is apparently writing a screenplay on her bitter divorce because he left her and their adopted kids and had an affair with Tori and eventually ended up marrying her. OUCH! I have a lil crush on the Alexis on Fire guy who also does video on Trial is cute in a nerdy way. Speaking of Video on Trial, some of the main judges were there. I asked them to judge some of the people here tonight but they said no joking tonight, "we're here to party". Who isn't? My favorite is Sabrina Jaleels. She told me I'm her brown sister. She showed a lot of love. Yo go girl! I also ran into Shawn Ashmore and as I was telling him that I ran into his brother and little did I know his brother was standing next to him. We had the giggles for a second. He introduced me to him. The story with Shawn Ashmore and his brother is that I saw him at the Dominion across from the Radio and Television building at Ryerson, however I mistook him from Shawn because their both twins! I apologized for that several times and his brother who is a Canadian actor told me he wasn't gonna hold me against it. They are so sweet. Shawn said he didn't bring his girl Michelle aka Harriet the Spy to the awards. Being a reporter is hard work. I barely had time to sit. I was running around the whole time! I had to hustle and grind big time but I ain't complaining at all. I took a little time out to catch a glimpse of the actual show on a special balcony and it looked stunning. Thank you Much Music! You know how to throw one fukin' partay! It was an unbelievable experience that I will never forget.