The Soccer Craze has hit Toronto! Obviously I'm rooting for France because I was born there and I'm a big fan of Henry and ZIDANE! However, I'm deeply dissapointed at their trajic game playing this year. It's as if they don't care. Allo garcons! COU COU! Take this more seriously!France has not won a game since they beat Brasil in World Cup 1998. They tied with Swiss 0-0 and now Korean Republic1-1. Atleast Henry got in a shot this time. I don't get it. He plays good for his national team but he's just not showing any game this year. The fame has gotten to his head. PRACTICE BOYS! Mon DIEU! C'est qoui ca? In more hurting news, this will be Zidane's last World Cup because he is retiring. I'm dissapointed in Zidanes playing as well. He usually uses his skills wih his foot work, however, he shows that he is getting old on the field. There are so many younger guys playing this year. The oldy's can't keep up anymore. Nonetheless, on the positive side, a BROWN GUY is on the team!!!!!! Vikesh DHORASOO!! YAH! YAH! ALOR........ALLEZ! ALLEZ!
I'm feelin' you mon petit singe!
Our own game of foosball soccer at SWAMP...we were so close.......the game was intense!
Don't just stand there ZIDANE & HENRY! Kick the ball into the net!!!
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