On Saturday July 12th, 2008, EdgeFest rocked out at Downsview Park, despite the POURRRRRRRRRRRRING rain and wet, dirty and muddy weather. The fans were still in high and drunk spirits as they waited upon their favourite bands to come out. The line-ups on the side stage included indie bands such as, Hostage Life, Creature, The Flatliners and my hommies Modernboys Moderngirls. Local talent, Modernboys and Moderngirls took time out of their schedule to sit down with an interview for us. It's cool to see that some members are still in school. Thanks for inviting us to your house party! Shleby, I hope your foot heals fast. The main stage acts included Ashes Divide, USS, Attack In Black and other up and coming rockstars. The Bravery lived up to their name by performing a great show in the heavy rain fall. I also got a chance to conduct an interview with the ever so lovely, Sam Roberts from Sam Roberts Band. He is so down to earth and real. He gave great advice for the youth of tomorrow. When asked who he was looking foward to seeing, Roberts stated that he was more focused on putting on a good show by his band. Nevertheless, Roberts himself couldn't deny the fact that he was looking forward to seeing the reunion of Stone Temple Pilots. Scott Weiland, who got kicked out from his other band Velvet Revolver, joined forced with his old hommies and band mates, Robert, Dean and Eric to perform some of their classic hits such as, Big Bang Baby, Plush, Interstate Love Song, Sour Girl and Vasoline. Weiland, who was a skeletor figure from years of substance abuse, still had the energy to bounce off the stage and jump into moshing fans. He still got his rockstar voice and snake slithering moves. After their performance, the band joined hands togther and thanked the crowd in appreciation and support. Last but not least, Linkin Park took a late entrance to start their performance with only Mike and Chester performing because the rest of the band memebers were late. Their fans were dissapointed in the beginnning because they paid to see the whole band, not 2/6 of the band. Than, the light went out and came back on with the rest of the band rocking out to What I've Done. This was my second time seeing Linkin Park and one things for sure. These men know how to put on a adrenaline pumping show. LP also played other hits such as, Numb, Crawling, Shadow of the Day and of course their first break out hit, One Step Closer!