Friday, August 31, 2012


Ms. Oprah Winfrey was in Toronto at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on Monday, April 16 and brought her popular on-air and online series Oprah’s Lifeclass: the Tour and took the stage as teacher in one of the world’s biggest classrooms to share and discuss the principles that guide her life. It seemed like almost the entire population of women in Canada was there. She took the stage for the first-ever broadcast in Canada to connect with viewers in person and online about the lessons that guide her life. Ms.Winfrey told the audience that she had many fans from Canada who were in her audience for her famous Oprah talk show tapings and they would all ask her to bring her show to Canada. They would all ask her to bring her show to Canada. Winfrey was joined by hand-picked experts including life and business catalyst Tony Robbins, spiritualist Deepak Chopra, Bishop T.D. Jakes and inspirational author Iyanla Vanzant. All four guest experts appeared live from the Metro, which will broadcast OWN. There were 2 show tapings. I was able to get hooked up to go to the morning taping. I was late and missed Deepak Chopra and Iyanla Vanzant. I entered the show as Bishop T.D. Jakes was talking to everyone at the conference and telling them that they are not chickens.
We all need to spread our wings and soar like eagles in this world. There were many powerful messages and personal stories from guests who had had family members who they lost or suffered from illness. The speakers came together with Oprah to discuss questions and share what they are going through so that other who are watching and in the audience can listen to the advice from the panel speakers and Oprah. There were a lot of motivational lines that stood out to me including “Gratitude is a gift”. We have to be thankful of what we have and stop complaining. Another quote that stood out for me is “Live in the now”. Many people said Oprah is against God and that is why she created Stop worrying about what happened in the past or what your life will be like in the future. Oprah took time out to walk around the entire room to greet her fans. That took a long time but it was very nice of her. I was able to snap a picture of Oprah right in front of the stage as she was leaving.  

Oprah’s Lifeclass: the Tour also engaged fans online with live streaming at and feature a digital classroom ( with all-new course work to accompany episode themes. Twitter fans were able to follow @OprahsLifeclass on Twitter and join the conversation using #Lifeclass and #OinTO. You can continue to send your tweets from your experience and what you learned from the show.

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